Why & How to Have More Quality Time for Your Children
Apr 01 , 2022
Why spend quality time with your child?
While the days with your little one might seem long, sometimes challenging, before you realize the years fly by. And yes, the early mornings, preparing breakfast, lunch, dinner, after kindergarten/school activities, bath time, bedtime, and even nighttime struggles can be too exhausting. Yet, looking back, years seem to have passed by. In seconds, your 2 months old baby has turned in a blink of an eye into 6 years old.
Trying to juggle our own life (with work, social life, alone time) with the challenges of a new baby/toddler/kid often makes us not appreciate the chance of the beautiful childhood moments.
All your child wants from you is to spend QUALITY and MEANINGFUL time with YOU! Take a deep breath and read that again. If you consider the time spent at daycare, kindergarten, school, after-school, playdates, periods of sleep, naps, staying with the babysitter, hobbies, and other activities where you are NOT, the time spent with YOU is very meaningful and precious for them. So, it's not how to deal with the time spent with your little one but rather how to make the most of the time spent with him and make it matter and memorable. Turn those moments into quality time.
We've all felt the guilt of not spending more time with our kids. In return, we should focus not on quantity but on the quality time spent. They don't need large amounts of time. They want to spend time one-on-one with us, giving them the much-needed individual attention to make them feel loved, caring for, important, and developing healthy relationships. Offering 15 minutes of undivided attention is much more important for them than spending 2 hours in the living room, watching tv while you read. Be physically and mentally present when you want to spend quality time with your kid, no screens, no phone, or chit-chat with your partner. Just be there! Make eye contact, talk, listen, ask, have a healthy interaction, be aware of what you're doing.
Fact: Quality time with children impacts the child's emotional well-being, behavior, and achievements.
The benefit of spending quality time with your little one are both for you and your child.
You built connection, fill their emotional cup, encourage development in all areas while you learn more about your child and enjoy his presence. When you are genuinely interested in your toddler, they learn, connect, smile while improving skills.
Being with you, active in an activity, helps him improve his cognitive skills that will apply in different areas in his life.
You can see develop healthy emotional development by playing with you. They gain a sense of control that helps with their own independence. They feel calmer and happier when quality time is offered regularly.
Their social skills will improve! Interacting with you when playing is a great way to learn how to share, ask, wait his turn, listen, talk to others, cooperate, and so much more.
Children who spend quality time regularly have less behavioral issues, are mentally and emotionally strong, and are more physically healthy.
How to spend quality time?
Connect with your child face-to-face, tell them you love them and value them.
Think together about special routines, like reading a book before bed, playing a game you invented together.
Do chores together, children love doing "adult stuff", they enjoy and feel responsible. Make a grocery shopping list, do laundry, or sort mail.
Spent time outdoors, like walking in nature or doing some light exercises outside.
Cook dinner together make some tasteful memories in the kitchen. He will surely remember the smell.
Join the pretend play and let the child take the lead.
Repair something together. Kids love to fix something. A great way to interact and find new things.
Have a date and spend some quality time together in a special place that you both decide on.
Play their favorite games, let them teach you how to play their games/activities.
Feel free to be a child again, be silly, laugh, enjoy the time together.
Recommendations for one-on-one time:
No digital devices.
Limit as much as possible electronic toys.
Respect the rules even during a special time.
Make sure no one is interrupting (partner, other kids).
The quality time it's not for comments, winning or losing, criticizing
Praise good behavior.
Please keep it simple and fun.