Terms & Conditions
Please read carefully the Terms and Conditions on this website use democa.com before visiting this website. by accessing this website democa.com you accept (implicitly and unconditionally) all the use terms and conditions.
The content of website democa.com is protected by the legal provisions which regulate the copyright and the copyright related rights. All materials, including all images, illustrations, articles, texts, graphics, design, audios/ videos etc., contained in this website are the property of Mocancini SRL and are protected by the laws on intellectual property rights, as well as marks and logos property of Mocancini SRL or of the licenses holder.
The modification of the content of this page, the copy, distribution, transmission, publishing, reproduction in any way of the content of the materials on this website, regardless of their form, by any person, without the written approval of Mocancini SRL shall be prohibited
The users may use the content of the website only for personal, non-commercial use, or for the readers information or education purposes, being bound to mention the source.
If you want to use the content for commercial purposes, please send a request at the following email address contact@democa.com.
The information and education of the persons in what concerns ophthalmological diseases represents one of the main goals of our clinic. Therefore, the printed and online publications, televisions, radios and blogs may retrieve information from this website, for the readers information and education purposes, by fulfilling the following terms:
Mentioning the source:
– democa.perfectwebsolutions.ro and/or the name of the author, in case the information is retrieved from an article written by a author of our company;
– If, for publicity reasons, it is not possible to mention the company, the obligation to provide the name of the author shall remain valid;
– We would appreciate if online publications and blogs add a link to our website to the source, democa.com (to homepage or to one of its sections).
Type of information and the way it can be used:
– Any piece of information (text or picture) or information on the company can be retrieved, except the opinions of the customers of section „Testimonials”. In order to retrieve this information, please send a request to contact@democa.com;
– The retrieved information can be used in quotes or can be paraphrased, provided that the source is mentioned;
– The online publications and blogs can retrieve information without paraphrasing, but it is mandatory to use it as quote and to be classified as such, by mentioning the source, up to the limit of 500 characters (signs). If the texts are paraphrased, only the obligation on the mentioning of the source shall remain valid;
– For further information, please contact us at contact@democa.com.
The users of this website may share on the social networks the information of this site, but not the information / opinions of other users, provided that they use a link to the site and only for personal or for information and education purposes.
Natural persons or written or online publications, blogs, televisions or radios which use or retrieve information (texts and pictures) of this site and which do not fulfill the specific requirements provided by this document shall be punished according to the legislation in force. It is prohibited to retrieve and use information for illegal, dangerous, malicious, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or vulgar, defamatory, racist, xenophobic purposes or for purposes which damage in any way the company, customers, partners or any other persons –, these cases being punished according to the laws in force.
Mocancini SRL. assumes no liability for such cases, not being held liable for the actions of third parties.
The user shall use the website on its own risk. Mocancini SRL. shall not grant any guarantee for the use of this website, shall not guarantee that the website or the servers hosting it do not contain viruses or other harmful components.
Mocancini SRL. shall not be held liable for the potential damage, direct or indirect, or for the damage caused by the use or visit of the website or by the impossibility of accessing the website.
Mocancini SRL. shall not be held liable for the use of any links to other websites, which are found on the website, and either for the content thereof.
The information on the services and their prices are provided for information purposes and does not represent a contract offer. You can get detailed information by telephone or email, by using the contact data made available in section Contact.
The use of cookies
This website uses technologies which enable the collection of technical information on the user, but which cannot be in any way associated to any person. This information refers to the Internet address, the operation system which is used, the type of browser and information on the traffic on the site.
For further information on the use of cookies, see section – Cookies policy.
Personal data
S.C. Mocancini SRL. is registered with the personal data operators register under no. Mocancini SRL. (for advertising, marketing and publicity purposes, as well as for the organization of competitions and promotional campaigns).
You shall not be bound to provide the data, this being required for the fulfillment of the advertising, marketing and publicity purpose and for the designation of the winners of the potential advertising campaigns/promotions.
Your refusal leads to your failure to be informed on the products, services, events and / or advertising campaigns, as well as to your failure to participate in the potential advertising campaigns / promotions organized by Mocancini SRL.
The recorded information are intended to be used by the operator and is communicated only to the following recipients: the concerned person, the operator’s representative and to mass-media (according to the provisions of art. 42 of Government Ordinance no. 99/2000 only the surname and name of the winners of the advertising campaigns / promotions shall be disclosed to the mass-media).
Personal data shall be used for marketing purposes only after the user gives the approval in this respect.
According to the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, as further amended and supplemented and of Law no. 506/2004 on the processing of personal data and privacy protection in the electronic communications sector, Mocancini SRL. shall be bound to manage safely and only for specified purposes the personal data that you provide on you.
According to Law no. 677/2001, you benefit from the right of access and intervention on the data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to resort to justice. Furthermore, you are entitled to refuse the processing of your personal data and to request the data to be deleted. In order to be able to exercise these rights, you can deliver a written, dated and sign request at Mocancini SRL. with the email address contact@democa.com. Furthermore, you shall be recognized the right to resort to justice.
Your data shall not be transferred to other states.
If some of your data is incorrect, please notify us as son as possible.
if you believe that any of your rights you benefit from under the relevant legislation in force was violated by means of the processing of the data made available by you, you can file a written, dated and signed complaint to:
Operator – Mocancini SRL
Email: contact@democa.com
If, within 15 days as of the submission of the request to the operator, you do not receive a written answer to your request (except the cases when the delay would cause an imminent and irreparable damage), you can file a written, dated and signed complaint to:
National Authority for Personal Data Processing
Address: 28-20 Magheru Blvd., district 1, Bucharest, Romania.
Email: anspdcp@dataprotection.ro
Tel: 031 8059211
Fax: 031 8059602
For further details, visit the Internet page: www.dataprotection.ro
The user shall take the full responsibility for the activities performed on the website. The user shall be prohibited to send illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory information / messages, which can affect privacy, intellectual property rights or which contain viruses or any other form of spam.
The user shall be held exclusively liable for the content of any of his comments.
Commercial communications
Mocancini SRL. may perform commercial communications on the services provided by it, as well as on the organized events, campaigns and promotions. Commercial communications shall be performed exclusively after the user gives the approval in this respect. The user’s approval can be obtained upon the creation of the personal account of the user, when he is requested to tick one of the two options:
“Do you want to receive information on the products, services, events etc. offered by Mocancini SRL.?
If you ticked YES, do you want to receive information on the services, events, campaigns, promotions etc. made available by Mocancini SRL. by means of the newsletters delivered on your email address?
Furthermore, commercial communications can be performed on Mocancini SRL. services, if Mocancini SRL. obtained the data of the user during the provision of a service for the user. If the user refuses to receive commercial communications from Mocancini SRL., he is asked to deliver a written, dated and signed request to Mocancini SRL. with email address contact@democa.com.
No commercial communication shall be performed in other conditions than those provided above.
Other communications
Any non-personal communication or material sent by the users of this website, including any comments, questions, suggestions, notes, ideas or other similar pieces of information shall be treated as non-confidential information and shall be used by Mocancini SRL. for the improvement of the services, without any further claims for the user who made it available.