Loving your child effectively - The five love languages to build a love that lasts
Apr 07 , 2022
It’s essential to identify and SPEAK your child’s primary love language so that they can understand it. This way, you can build a strong foundation for education, successful learning, and unconditional love. To be emotionally stable, your child has basic emotional needs that must be met in a way that means the most to them.
It would save us all time, energy, and nerves if we could recognize people’s love languages. Different people give and receive love in different ways, like acts of service, quality time, receiving gifts, physical touch, or words of affirmation. And it goes back to the early years when different children need various kinds of attention and love. This article will help you figure out your child’s love language so you can meet their needs appropriately. While children need all five types of love languages, each one has one love language that matters most.
How to identify his primary love language?
By observing him, how does your kid express love? Because he surely wants that type of love to be given back to him. What do they request most from you or other caregivers? Is it cuddles, receiving things, your words matter the most to them, they ask you to do something for them, or do they need your undivided attention?
Cuddles, hugs, and kisses?
One of the most common love languages among children is the physical touch. It’s also one of the easiest for parents since we can always offer hugs and kisses. While most babies and toddlers love being kissed and hugged, other babies are uncomfortable with this type of affection. It’s not always about hugs and kisses. It can include any gentle physical touch like rubbing their back, giving high fives, sitting in your lap, cuddling for bed night story.
Words of appreciation and affirmation?
We already know that how we speak to our children has a significant impact on them, especially if language is their primary love language. Leaving a note in their lunch box, telling them you love them before going to kindergarten or school, having a particular name for affection that only you two use, or giving them consideration for their hard work, all these are love language ideas that will speak directly to their heart. Make eye contact and even get on their level for a higher impact.
Time to be with your child?
Some kids only crave our undivided attention, quality time being their primary love language. If that it’s your case, you should make time to incorporate quality one-on-one time into your daily routines. It doesn’t have to be something complicated or a particular place. It can be as simple as looking into their eyes when they speak to you, playing a game together, or just being together. It’s a great way to create a meaningful bond by taking time to invest in your relationship with your child.
The act of giving gifts?
First of all, let’s not confuse giving a gift to gather their toys or washing their teeth. That’s not a true gift, but rather a bribe or payment for something good they’ve done. If your child’s primary love language is gifts, you have to speak their love language genuinely. You could look for personalized gifts, serve dinner on a special plate, you can make them origami, offer flowers, stickers, or more. Also, it’s essential to use all the other four love languages and not overdo it with gifts. Just think of a meaningful gift or gesture that will make your child feel loved.
Give love to others through an act of service?
Serving our children teaches them how to serve themselves and others when they grow up. There are plenty of services to choose from, especially if you have a toddler. We already, as parents, do a lot of acts of service for our children without even realizing it. You can help your child practice a new skill, prepare them a special dinner, help fix their things/toys, Lego building, or anything that you can do to show them love and appreciation. Older children love to show their love and appreciation by doing family chores without being asked. It’s their way of showing love, by being proactive.