Best Toddler Toys to Improve Fine Motor Skills
Jul 19 , 2022
What do picking up a raspberry, turning a door knob, and zipping a sweater have in common? They all require fine motor skills. These skills start to develop in toddlerhood.
When learning and developing fine motor skills, kids need the right tools to do so. A Busy Board and a Quiet Book help children build those skills. You’ll find in this article more about how and why you should have in your house a busy board and a quiet book to help develop your little one’s fine motor skills.
What are fine motor skills, and why do we need them?
Fine motor skills are finger or hand movements, those little moves that help with writing or tying shoelaces or feeding oneself. These toys work on finger dexterity to complete tasks that include rolling, twisting, pinching, tapping, buttoning, zipping, holding pens, painting, and more.
So, yes, we do need them daily.
How to use toys to master fine motor skills!
Kids around 2-3 years old and younger are offered toys to play with daily. While most toys do nothing for their learning process, there are a few on the market that contribute to your little one's development, from language to fine or gross motor skills. If the toys are safe and age-appropriate, they succeed in various ways in mastering new skills.
Reviewed and approved toys for three years old!
The deMoca Busy Board is a great pick since it helps develop fine motor skills, no matter where, and its dimensions are great for traveling. The wooden board improves the toddler’s focus using real-world challenges based on the Montessori principles. What kid doesn’t want to use the switches in the house, to open and close doors, to zip and unzip clothes or backpacks, or to use the buckle?
Being curious about household items is a natural stage in their development. They want to be part of the everyday activities their caregivers do.
Besides working on their fine motor skills, kids practice and learn how to become more and more independent, from dressing to opening their zipper to tying their shoelaces and telling time. And isn't that what we want from day one? To be part of their process of becoming a future independent kid, teen, and lastly, future adult?
If all parents WISELY choose the toys they offer to their kids, it would make a huge difference in modeling a well-balanced adult with all the necessary skills to succeed in any area in his life.
Can a book boost fine motor skills? Yes, it can!
The Quiet Book encourages using their hands while focusing and being engaged in simple tasks, constantly working on improving their agility and coordination.
The quiet book is our second choice when working on color matching, holding, and gripping skills. It helps your child take a step further in developing their skills. They learn and master much-needed skills while having fun because learning should be fun and exciting. The quiet book is known for keeping kids engaged and persistent with the activities on each page. They learn how to dress, take care of their body and surroundings, prepare meals, and relax outside or turn pages. They can get creative and come up with unique storylines as they go through the book, developing imagination. The quiet book allows them to manipulate everyday objects as they want, learning about shapes, textures, and daily activities like dressing, snapping, buttoning, buckling, zipping, lacing, and more. Practical skills to take a step closer to independence according to age.
Do these toys help kids become more independent?
Yes, they do! Every time they play with these toys, they strengthen their muscles and coordination, being able to use those skills to carry out tasks like writing, drawing, dressing, feeding themselves, and tying their shoes.
Why we love the Busy Board and the Quiet Book!
As they grow older and transition from toddlerhood to childhood, kids need to master essential skills like, cutting using scissors, writing, etc. So, you might want to consider these toys for learning and mastering fine motor skills. They are easy to manipulate with small hands and sturdy enough to withstand any throwing, biting, or other tests the curious minds will want to do.