Celebrating Valentine's Day with kids!
Feb 17 , 2022
Valentine's Day being just around the corner, the pressure is on, especially if you can't sneak out to experience a romantic date with your spouse.
On Valentine's Day, we are celebrating love in all its forms. No matter if your heart belongs to a toddler or teen, you can spend quality time together with the right activities your kids will love.
Valentine's Day it's not all about flowers or heart-shaped sweets. It's about showing love and appreciation for those special ones in your life. EVERYONE should enjoy a little love sent their way on Valentine's Day! Keep reading to find fun ways to spend Valentine's Day with your children while staying on a budget.
Have you thought of a family date on Valentine's? It's a fancy family dinner, but with a pinch of festive love. Whether it's pink pancakes, strawberries, heart-shaped pizza, you can create a festive dinner for all the family. Pull out fancy clothes and invite the whole family to do the same. Ask kids to bring their favorite stuffed animal to the festive dinner as their date. Why not?
Making little gifts and valentines for their close friends and family members. Creating and offering Valentine's cards it's fun and provides a great lesson of grace and courtesy. Spending the time to choose/make the card for each person is a great lesson on focusing and creating a personal connection seeking nothing in return.
Making Valentine's cards, handmade to get the creativity at its best. This is a thoughtful gesture for those around us in a loving environment. This is a chance to focus on expressing their love for their dearest and what it means to be a good friend.
Baking a special Valentine's dessert for others. You can bake cookies or heart-shaped pancakes with your toddler and share those cookies with their dear ones or within the community. Being allowed to be part of the process in the kitchen offer a sense of importance and belonging, having a real contribution to the festivity—a lesson of compassion for others.
Picking and arranging flowers for their loved ones. Work on those fine motor skills on Valentines' Day by picking, cutting, and arranging a bouquet for grandma. A great way to experience gratitude is when they deliver the bouquet themselves.
Movie night with love stories (between friends, animals, different species). Choose an age-appropriate movie to watch with your children, a movie that will help them understand that love exists and can be expressed in different ways.
Themed photoshoot at home! Get creative along with your little one, set a themed backdrop, choose themed outfits, and have fun capturing love in all its forms. It's a great activity where kids have the freedom to create a photo set, even photo props, and enjoy a photo shooting at home, making memories for years to come.
Talk about heart health! Since February it's National Heart Month, why not tell your kids about their real heart and how they can keep it healthy. You can even go further with older kids and have some activities to help them understand heart anatomy and how to keep it healthy with everyday healthy habits.
Express love, gratitude, and compassion with the most important people in your life, making little ones feel extra loved on Valentine's.