BE HAPPY, your kid needs it! How to be a better mom
May 02 , 2022
Becoming a mother is probably the most important self-growth a woman can experience in their life. And so, while the internet is full of information about children's development, when you type "mother development," it's barely any relevant information out there.
Motherhood is much more than changing diapers.
From day ONE, children rely on YOU to offer them the care and love they need to develop accordingly and be happy, healthy and loved. But good parenting it's not something that you master from day ONE. You learn and evolve as you go on the parenthood adventure with your little one. Parenting is an ongoing process where you and your child mature and grow. Finding your parenting style might take time and effort, but it's something you must do for your well-being and your little one as well. Your child needs a good start in life, but so do you as a new parent.
The pressure on moms out there is enormous, being the center of their babies and being responsible for their healthy development. But, new moms need support and recognition. They all have to face numerous challenges, from health to education, social life, and career. Some of the hardships start from breastfeeding challenges to the stress of the unknown, postpartum baby blues, not feeling like having parent skills, and so on.
As a parent, you have the most important role in your child's overall well-being. It's a never-ending job. You can't escape from it.
Your growth is your child's growth as well!
Motherhood will constantly be putting you face to face with transformative experiences, situations, and emotions. Parenthood will push your limits BUT will offer you the happiest and most fulfilling moments alongside your little one. While being pushed to your edges, remember that in any experience, there is a purpose, a meaning, and a chance for growth.
Raising and educating your child is also about raising yourself and finding your strength and meaning.
Parenthood is just those moments when you have everything to fear BUT so much more to learn! Take any challenging situation or even emotions as a chance to find more about you, about your path and where you are going, being a better you.
What else is motherhood about?
Besides doing repetitive tasks such as feeding, breastfeeding, changing diapers, preparing meals, washing, or putting to bed, there are many more "tasks" a mother has to do. It's the emotional and developmental tasks that got us overwhelmed and also rocking it at being super moms. It's the desire to be the best version your child can have in his life. It's the desire to get out of your comfort zone, do the unimaginable, get your better shape (physically and emotionally), be the best PERSON, WOMAN, MOM for your little one. That's where is the hard work of being a mom. To not let yourself fall into the daily tasks and nothing more. Your transformational work will make your kid want more from himself, to be kind to the world, have that curiosity to find more, and do more. It all comes from YOU; children model themselves after you since DAY ONE.
The ”How?”
Don't get stressed about it. You shouldn't take parenthood classes on "How to be a better mom." If you are willing to find what you can do more for yourself and your child, you already are a better mom. The simply curiosity of looking and discovering more about you, being a mom, and being a child, makes you already a better parent. Some take mother work for granted. It's our job to take care, develop and help blossom our children and, at the same time, to let them go into the world that we have little control over. So basically, we work from day one raising and educating little human beings with the ultimate purpose or goal to make ourselves not needed and unnecessary to them. Ironical, right?
Take off the pressure!
There is no universal mother model and will never be! You are the best mom for your kid, and your kid has the best mom they could have ever had. And if you are here, reading this, you're already doing more than you were asked. Remember to work on you and with you as much as you work with your child, helping him develop. It's your journey also, a journey of a better you, a happier you, a calmer you, a funnier you, a wiser you. Nowadays, the information is everywhere: take one step at a time and find the mom style that gives you peace and honors the woman in you. BE HAPPY; your kid needs it!